Biopesticides Development

New, nontoxic methods are the future for pest control as insects quickly develop resistance to chemical pesticides. Non-native pests are presently threatening growers, such as the Diaprepes Root Weevil, the Citrus Leafminer, and the Brown Citrus Aphid. Most conventional pesticides are expensive and can be harmful to humans and the environment if not used properly. Growers are under increasing pressure to comply with new and costly worker protection standards and other government regulations. Alternative methods of insect pest control offer promise for cost-effective, non-toxic, long-term solutions.

FlaRes continually tests new methods of insect control and is active in working towards eradicating Diaprepes and other pests of Florida citrus. Examples include the use of Neem Seed Extract (a source of an insect growth regulator), the use of attractants and repellents, the use of entomopathogens such as nematodes and fungi as well as natural insect predators and parasitoids. Advances in biotechnology have made many of these methods much more economical and therefore more attractive to growers than ever before.

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