Board of Advisors

The Board of Advisors (BOA) provides invaluable professional guidance to the organization in its mission to ensure economic production of food and fiber crops through application of technologies derived from science-based research in production systems that avoid resource depletion or permanent damage to ecosystems.


The Board of Advisors meets annually and:

  1. Approve FLARES annual budget.
  2. Approve staff salaries and benefits.
  3. Make recommendations, advise, and approve activities for the upcoming year to the Executive Director.
  4. Recommend new members to the BOA.
  5. Provide advice on other circumstances as needed for the general good of the organization to accomplish its mission statement.

Current BOA Members:

  1. Robert C. Adair, Jr.*
  2. Diane W. Adair*
  3. Patricia Brown, Ph.D.
  4. Mark DuBois, M.S.*
  5. Maurice Sterling
  6. Dr. Burl Long†*

* Directors

† Deceased